Do you want to role-play Star Trek, "To Go Boldy Where No-one Has Gone Before"; but all the 'official' Star Trek role-playing games are out of print.
Well there is an official Star Trek RPG that is still in print; but it's based on TOS only, with a large chunk of non-cannon fan fiction added in, that's "Prime Directive". There are several versions using different rule-sets, GURPS, d20 3.5e, d20 Modern and (expected at the end of 2012) Mongoose Traveller.
With my old role-playing group, we played Star Trek using Traveller; first with Traveller: The New Era for which I wrote a supplement 'STrav:3 TNE' that added basic race and technology rules so we could "Go Boldy".
Later for Traveller:20 my d20 Warp supplement repeated the effort.
d20 Warp can be tweaked or picked apart for use with the 'Official Prime Directive' rulesets, and later in the year I intend to re-do my TNE supplement to do the same again.
So, this site is meant to bridge the gap; take the official Prime Directive rulesets, drop the non-cannon background and add some custom stuff to capture the look and feel of Gene Roddenberry's updated universe (excepting the stuff from the latest movie which kills off the Vulcans).
In the meantime you can go download all my old stuff, which I've managed to dig out of the archives - and in the case of the stuff in 'Word Perfect' format, convert into open document format.
Check back soon for more files, especially once we get Prime Directive Traveller.
Ian Jukes, aka Lt. Sevarian, (2012-251 06/Sep/2012)